
Lobster is a prized seafood delicacy that is loved by many.  While most commonly found in lobster rolls, the popular shellfish can also be enjoyed in other ways, such as steamed lobster.  In this blog, we will delve into the history of steamed lobster and the nutritional benefits that come with consuming this delicious seafood.

The history of steamed lobster

Lobster has been consumed for centuries, with evidence of prehistoric lobster remains dating back 100 million years.  However, it wasn't until the mid-19th century that steaming became a popular way to cook lobster.  Prior to that, it was mostly boiled or fried.

Steaming became popular because it allowed the delicate meat of the lobster to stay tender and juicy, rather than becoming tough and rubbery.  Steaming also allowed for flavors to be infused into the meat.

Today, steamed lobster is enjoyed all over the world, particularly in North America and Europe. It continues to represent opulence and self-indulgence. 

The nutritional benefits of lobster

Lobster is a nutritious seafood that is low in fat and high in protein. In addition, it serves as a fantastic provider of essential vitamins and minerals, which consists of: 

  • Vitamin B12
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus

In addition, lobster is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have numerous health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving heart health.

Overall, steamed lobster is a tasty and healthy seafood option that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.  Whether it's served with butter and garlic, or in a lobster roll, steamed lobster is sure to impress.

Choosing and Preparing Lobster

Lobster is a delicacy that requires proper preparation to be enjoyed to its fullest.  In this blog, we will give tips on how to choose and prepare lobster for steaming.


Tips for selecting the top-quality lobster

When choosing lobsters, look for ones that are alive and active.  They should be moving their claws and have a firm tail.  Lobsters with soft shells may have molted recently and may not have enough meat. 

Preparing the lobster for steaming

Before steaming the lobsters, they should be cleaned and prepped.  Start by removing the bands from the claws and removing any rubber bands.  Rinse the lobsters under cold water and scrub them with a brush to remove dirt or debris.  Make sure to remove any hard shells or debris that may be attached to the body.  Once cleaned, it's ready for steaming.

Equipment and Ingredients

Steaming lobster requires some specific tools and ingredients to ensure a successful outcome. In this portion, we will discuss the requirements you will have to satisfy. 

The tools needed for steaming lobster

To steam lobster, you'll need a large pot with a lid, a steaming basket or rack, and tongs.  The pot should be large enough to hold the lobsters comfortably without overcrowding.  If you don't have a steaming basket or rack, a colander can be used instead. 

Special ingredients to enhance the flavor of steamed lobster

While lobster on its own is delicious, adding a few special ingredients can enhance its flavor even further.  Some popular options include garlic, lemon, herb butter, and white wine.  These ingredients can be added to the water that the lobster is steamed in or used as a dipping sauce after cooking.

With the right tools and ingredients, you'll be able to prepare a steamed lobster dish that is sure to impress.

Equipment and Ingredients

To successfully steam lobster, one needs specific ingredients and tools.  The pot used should be large enough to hold the lobsters comfortably without overcrowding.  A steaming basket or rack is needed along with a lid and tongs.  In case one doesn't have a steaming basket, a colander can be used instead.  Adding some special ingredients enhances the flavor of the lobster.  Herb butter, garlic, lemon, and white wine are some popular options.  One can cook the lobster by steaming in water containing these ingredients or using them as a dipping sauce after cooking.

Methods of Steaming

Traditional steaming methods

Traditionally, lobsters are steamed in a pot of boiling water.  A thick layer of rock or sea salt is spread on the bottom of the pot and water is added until it reaches just below the salt.  After the water reaches a rolling boil, lobsters are placed in a steaming basket and placed on top of the salt layer.

Modern techniques for steaming lobster

Modern techniques involve using electric steamers or induction steamers.  The electric and induction steamers are quicker, more efficient, and easy to use.  These steamers have multiple racks, allowing one to cook different varieties of food simultaneously.  The modern steamers are compact, making them perfect for home kitchens with limited space.

Cooking and Serving

When it comes to cooking and serving steamed lobster, there are a few things to keep in mind:

A guide on correctly preparing lobster.

To cook lobster properly, one needs to make sure the lobster is completely submerged in water while being steamed.  It is recommended to steam a 1-1/2 pound lobster for approximately 14-16 minutes.  Overcooking lobster can lead to tough, chewy meat, so it is important to keep an eye on the cooking time.

Serving and garnishing the steamed lobster

Once the lobster is cooked, it is usually served with melted herb butter, lemon wedges, and a sprinkle of fresh herbs.  Some people also add additional garnishes, such as parsley or chives, to enhance the presentation of the dish.  Lobster is often served with sides such as steamed vegetables or a baked potato to make it a complete meal.

Popular Lobster Recipes

Steamed lobster tail recipe

One of the most popular lobster recipes is steamed lobster tail.  To prepare this dish, first, clean the lobster tail and place it in a steamer basket.  Steam for approximately 8-10 minutes until the meat turns opaque.  Serve the lobster tail with melted butter, lemon wedges, and your choice of sides such as grilled vegetables or rice pilaf.

Lobster bisque recipe

Lobster bisque is a rich and creamy soup that is perfect for a special occasion or a cozy night in.  To make lobster bisque, sauté onions, celery, and carrots until they are tender.  Add lobster stock, diced tomatoes, and tomato paste.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes.  Add the lobster meat and cream, stir until heated through. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and enjoy while still hot 

Whether it's a simple steamed lobster tail or a decadent lobster bisque, these popular lobster recipes are sure to impress.

Pairing Wine with Steamed Lobster

Different wines to complement the steamed lobster

When it comes to pairing wine with steamed lobster, there are a few different options to consider.  One popular choice is Chardonnay, which pairs well with the rich and buttery flavor of lobster.  Another option is Sauvignon Blanc, which complements the delicate sweetness of the lobster meat.  For those who prefer red wine, Pinot Noir is a good choice as it has a light and fruity taste that won't overpower the lobster.

Tips for pairing wine with steamed lobster

When selecting the perfect wine to pair with steamed lobster, there are a few tips to keep in mind.  First, consider the flavor and texture of the lobster, as well as any accompanying sauces or side dishes.  It's also important to balance the acidity of the wine with the sweetness of the lobster for a well-rounded flavor profile.  Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with different wines until you find the perfect pairing for your taste.

Health Benefits of Steamed Lobster

This food contains minimal fat and a significant amount of protein.

Steamed lobster is a delicious, healthy protein source that is low in fat and high in quality protein.  A typical serving of steamed lobster contains about 28 grams of protein and just 1 gram of fat.  This makes it an ideal food for those who are counting calories or trying to maintain a healthy weight.

Consists of a range of essential vitamins and minerals.

Steamed lobster is also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that promote good health.  It is rich in vitamin B12, which is essential for the functioning of the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells.  It also contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties that protect the body from damage caused by harmful free radicals.  Additionally, steamed lobster is a good source of zinc, copper, and selenium, which are all important minerals for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Overall, steamed lobster is a low-fat, high-protein food that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals It adds a tasty and nutritious element to any eating plan. 

Health Benefits of Steamed Lobster

Contains high levels of protein and minimal amounts of fat.

Steaming lobster is a healthy and delicious way to enjoy a meal, as it is low in fat and high in quality protein.  A serving of steamed lobster contains approximately 28 grams of protein and only 1 gram of fat, ideal for individuals who want to control their calorie intake.

Includes a variety of crucial vitamins and minerals 

Steamed lobster is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that promote good health.  It is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which plays a crucial role in the nervous system's proper functioning and red blood cell formation.  Additionally, it contains vitamin E and minerals such as zinc, copper, and selenium, which are vital for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Final thoughts and recommendations for steaming lobster

Overall, steamed lobster is a healthy addition to any diet.  When preparing it, ensure that it is steamed rather than boiled to maintain its nutrients.  Lobster can be enjoyed by itself or as part of a salad or pasta dish.  To maximize the health benefits, it is recommendable to pair it with nutrient-dense vegetable dishes.